Younger (Title)
Younger is a title traditionally granted to the Heir Apparent to a current Laird. The wife of a Younger is also known as a younger, as is a woman who is entitled to a Lairdship in her own right. A Younger is neither a title of nobility or a peerage and does not carry voting rights either in the Parliament of Scotland or the Kingdom of England. The abbreviation of Younger is Yr.
When a Younger takes on the position of Laird (Lord), the next heir apparent will take on the title Younger. This may be the eldest child of the new Laird or the next person in line. The wife of a Younger, who herself is a Younger through marriage and a Female Younger who takes on the Lairdship in her own right both become styled "Lady".
Forms of address
- A Younger is entitled to place the title at the end of his or her name, for example "John Smith of Edinburgh, Younger." or if abbreviated "John Smith of Edinburgh, Yr."
- If a Female Younger holds the title in her own right she is styled in the same way as a male Younger but using her own name
- The wife of a Younger becomes a Younger herself through marriage and is therefore entitled to place the title at the end of her name becoming Mrs [Firstname] [Lastname] of [Lairdship], Younger.
- A Younger is referred to and addressed as "The Younger of [x]", for example "The Younger of Edinburgh"
- If a Laird has any younger sons they are styled as "Mr [Forename] [Surname] of [Lairdship]"
See also